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287 Chemicals in the Umbilical Cord Blood of Newborns
Message from EWG (USA)
Not long ago, EWG research detected 287 chemicals in the umbilical cord blood of newborns.
Of that total, 180 are known to cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests.
The system that is supposed to protect us against toxic chemicals is profoundly broken. We need your help to make sure that policymakers don't cut a bad deal with chemical companies that will compromise our health.
A new chemical safety bill has been introduced in Congress that falls far short of the reforms that Americans need and have been repeatedly assured were in the works.
Now is the time to demand real reform: Stand with EWG today and tell your senators to reject legislation that does not have the strong chemical safety measures Americans overwhelmingly want.
Your senators need to know that you will accept nothing less than real reform of our toxic chemicals policy.
Every day, millions of Americans are needlessly exposed to untested and unregulated chemicals. Those toxic chemicals show up in our bodies and the bodies of newborn babies. The fact is that industrial chemical pollution begins in the womb.
Here's how Washington must stand up to the chemical industry and insist on tough new rules for chemical safety :