Choosing the Best Foundation Makeup for You is a Simple Process - Easy to Learn Makeup and Skin Care Information

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Choosing the your foundation makeup for you can be achieved in 3 easy steps :

Know THE INGREDIENTS of the makeup and what it does to your skin

Understand THE COVERAGE that you need

Work out THE APPLICATION METHOD that is most convenient for you

Best Foundation Makeup Human Skin Colour Wheel

Today, there are many companies that market their own brand with many claiming to have the best foundation cosmetic.

Some top makeup brands are Temptu, Sephora, Jane Iredale, BareMinerals, SheerCover, PurMinerals, each making their own formulation but based on very similar basic composition.

It is a myth thinking that expensive makeup is an indication of a superior product – generally the stronger the brand, the more expensive the product.

On the other hand, cheap makeup or cheap mineral makeup can vary from cheap synthetic ingredients to really good quality (both natural and synthetic) products.

Cost effective makeup or cheap makeup is easy to identify once YOU are aware of what the ingredients are (and do) and can make an educated decision.

Using scientific words to describe ingredients adds to mystify the cosmetic world from the consumer.

This mystification can be exploited by marketing techniques such as celebrity endorsement, for example, Beyonce endorsing Temptu - if a celebrity endorses a brand, is it really the best makeup for you?

As awareness grows, from websites such as this one, more people are being sensitised to the hazards of using chemical based makeup that use ingredients such as dyes and preservatives.

Want to know the truth about the best foundation makeup for you ...

The BEST FOUNDATION MAKEUP starts with YOU ... and nobody else!!

The Makeup Ingredients

The Makeup Coverage

The Makeup Application Method

Examples of the Best Foundation Makeup for You

Determining your best foundation makeup will require a little experimenting.

Determine your skin condition, for example, acne or vitiligo or freckles, etc. This will determine the cover that you need.

The darker the blemish, the higher the pigment ratio to conceal the blemish.

Consider your lifestyle. Are you outdoors, in university, in an office, etc. This will determine your application. The more active you are, the more portable your foundation should be.

If one application for the day is enough, then consider an airbrush. These are not simple and portable to carry around but they do provide the best means of delivering foundation makeup to your skin - smooth and consistent.

If you need top-ups during the day, then consider an airbrush for the morning and a cream or compact powder for the top-ups.

Do not be afraid to experiment to get your optimum results.

School Student - Acne and No Scarring

  • Zinc Oxide based foundation (To combat the acne)
  • Light to Medium Cover (To conceal the broken skin)
  • Airbrush Application (To minimise further infection and apply a medium coverage over your face)
  • This scenario gives you the best natural acne treatment in a simple and effective manner

Swim Instructor - Scar

  • A foundation with a high pigment ratio (To conceal the scar)
  • Light to Medium Cover (To blend concealed scar with the rest of the skin)
  • Hand Application (Easy to carry away from home and apply more than once a day due to perspiration and water)

Skin with Vitiligo

  • A foundation with a low to medium pigment ratio (To gently blend the 2 skin tones)
  • Light to Medium Cover (To blend the skin tones but also maintain tone consistency with the neck or other parts of the body)
  • Airbrush Application (The most effective method of application to blend skin tones)

Skin with Rosacea

  • A foundation with a low to medium pigment ratio (To gently blend the 2 skin tones)
  • Light to Medium Cover (To blend the skin tones but also maintain tone consistency with the neck or other parts of the body)
  • Airbrush Application (The most effective method of application to blend skin tones)

Sensitive or Irritated Skin

  • Zinc Oxide based foundation (Avoid bismuth oxychloride. Zinc oxide will promote healing and will act as a natural anti-inflammatory)
  • Sheer Cover (A soft cover simply to maximise glow and radiance)
  • Airbrush Application (The most effective method of application for an all over balanced layer of foundation)
  • If you are unsure if your body will react to an ingredient, don't do a test on your face, do a patch test first. Apply the same quantity of makeup that you would typically apply to your facial skin to the inside of your elbow. Leave it for a few hours and if the area becomes red or irritated, then it is not for you.

Skin with Eczema

  • Zinc Oxide based foundation (Avoid bismuth oxychloride)
  • Sheer Cover (A soft cover simply to maximise glow and radiance)
  • Airbrush Application (The most effective method of application for an all over balanced layer of foundation)

Oily Skin

  • Zinc Oxide based foundation (Zinc acts as an astringent that shrinks, constricts, or tightens body tissues)
  • Sheer Cover (A soft cover simply to maximise glow and radiance)
  • Airbrush Application (The most effective method of application for an all over balanced layer of foundation)

No Manufacturer can Claim the Title of The Best Foundation Makeup - It is about What is Best For You

Choosing the best foundation makeup for you is never about what other people are saying ... it is about understanding your lifestyle and applying your knowledge to make the ingredients, coverage and application fit your way of life and not the other way round.

You will certainly add more things to do in your life (which is probably busy already) if you have to apply 5 different containers of foundation using brushes or hands.

For example, consider makeup that can be blended into one container - this adds simplicity.

The best foundation makeup is not about celebrities and how great it makes them look and feel ... it is about YOU

The best foundation makeup is certainly not about being the most expensive ... it is amazingly simple and natural. This is a key consideration when determining your Natural Advantage Ingredients.

The best foundation makeup fits in with your lifestyle and adds simplicity and clarity to your day ... it works for you.

Keywords for you to learn about the Best Foundation Makeup

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Makeup Ingredients

Makeup Coverage

Makeup Application Method