Europes Top 5 Glyphosate Herbicide Toxic Countries

by Jill

Highest Human Traces of Glyphosate in Europe (Image Credit : Friends of the Earth Europe)

Highest Human Traces of Glyphosate in Europe (Image Credit : Friends of the Earth Europe)

(Please Click Here for a Clearer Copy of the Residual Glyphosate Table)

The top 5 European countries for families to have the best chance of producing herbicide modified "Frankenkids" courtesy of glyphosate produced by a few companies, such as Monsanto, are :

  1. Malta

  2. Germany, Great Britain, Poland

  3. Netherlands

Your "Frankenkids" also include higher chances for yourself to produce a tumour or two from the same chemical.
Ironically, the European Commissioner responsible for Health and Consumer Policy in Europe, is from Malta.
He also happens to be the same person that is reviewing (in June 2013) Monsanto's application for SmartStax.
SmartStax is a patented GMO product with extra toxins and seed management to help reduce the risk of insects developing resistance to Monsanto's B.t. technology. This product is rumoured for imminent approval by the European Commission.
It is well documented that the additional use of GMO seed technology leads to higher use of glyphosate.
Glyphosate is the most commonly used herbicide on UK's agricultural farms and is used on 39% of agricultural land in Germany.

How the Tests were Done
To produce this statistic, Friends of the Earth Europe took urine samples from volunteers in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Macedonia, Malta, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and the UK.
A total of 80/182 samples tested were found to contain glyphosate. Volunteers were all city-dwellers and included vegetarian and nonvegetarian diets.
No two samples were tested from the same household and the samples were analysed by Dr Hoppe at Medical Laboratory Bremen in Germany.

Glyphosate Testing and Use in Europe
Today, no humans in Europe are tested for glyphosate (by European authorities) and in addition, there are presently 14 new GM crops designed to be cultivated with glyphosate that are currently waiting for approval to be grown in Europe.
With new GM crop approvals, increased use of global glyphosate can reach as much as 800% (650 000 tons was already used globally in 2011)

Europe's Farm to Fork Policy and the Process of Desiccation
Desiccation involves spraying crops, such as oilseed rape, maize, sunflowers and cereal crops, with glyphosate just before harvesting (about 1 to 2 weeks) which makes the crops dry out. This makes the crop easier to manage, such as, harvesting in wet seasons, earlier harvest, etc. This practice is used on GM and non GM crops.

Some Desiccation Statistics :
  • UK - 78% on oilseed rape

  • Germany - 11% mostly on barley and grain

  • Other European Countries, mainly France, Romania and Hungary - 50 to 60% on sunflowers

Glyphosate Resistant Crops from other Countries into Europe
In other parts of the world, glyphosate is used on up to 85% of GM crops and in the USA, about half of all agricultural land was planted with glyphosate resistant crops in 2012.
Most of the soy imported into Europe from South America is glyphosate resistant - this means it contains genetically modified proteins that makes the crop, amongst some other characteristics, glyphosate resistant.

Animal tests show that up to 30% of glyphosate is absorbed into the body. A week later, there is still about 1% remaining.

  • A study in Paraguay found that babies of women living within one kilometre of fields sprayed with glyphosate were more than twice as likely to have birth defects (Benítez-Leite S, Macchi ML & Acosta M (2009))

Glyphosate Approval in Europe
Glyphosate was approved for use in the EU in 2002 without peer reviewed science and the original data used to approve glyphosate is not available for independent study.
In 2012, the approval had to be renewed but Monsanto applied for an extension because their application was not ready. An extension has been granted until 2015 so that Monsanto can properly prepare its application.

Glyphosate Tolerances in Humans
- Allowed glyphosate amounts are 0.3 mg / kg of body weight
- Some manufacturers recommend between 0.05 and 0.15 mg / kg
- Independent reviews suggest allowed amount should be 0.025 mg / kg
This data shows that independent reviews suggest an allowed limit that is 12 TIMES LESS than the present "acceptable" allowed limit

What is the future for Europeans Contaminated with Glyphosate
Glyphosate is toxic to humans, animals and the entire environment. It is not specific and contaminates everything.
It is highly toxic and the European Commission better be very sure that they know what they are doing to prevent a human and environmental catastrophe in the very near future.
Dozens of tests and studies point to sick and dead people, sick and dead animals and a sick and dead environment.
Surely, the economic impact of banning glyphosate cannot be worse than poisoned people and a poisoned environment.

European alarm systems, such as the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF), are unable to react to poisoning caused by glyphosate because the symptoms are not immediately evident.
And because the glyphosate impact is not immediately obvious, present information points to more long term, wide ranging and intensive studies.
Europe should consider an immediate ban on glyphosate until tests are done and it is proved to the European public that glyphosate is safe to use, in all global aspects (and there are independent peer reviewed test results to prove it)
Unless you have given the European Commission explicit permission to allow herbicides, such as glyphosate, into your body, then it should not be there, within "acceptable" limits or not. A licence to poison has never been granted by the European public.

Europeans used to feel safe with the fact that Europe adopts the Precautionary Principle but we are not so sure that this policy applies to glyphosate and, people like myself, don't know why.
90% of the tests from Malta were positive for glyphosate - this cannot be a good thing and the people of Malta should be very concerned because glyphosate contamination will eventually kill you.

Maybe Mr Tonio Borg (European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy) can explain to his fellow countrymen and European neighbours why the people of Malta were measured to have the most (percentage wise) glyphosate herbicide toxin in their urine, out of 18 European countries.

Because the direct use of glyphosate is so widespread in the European food chain, European agriculture and European food imports, nobody has any idea of the amount of residues that Europeans are accumulating from all these inputs. "Acceptable" limits in humans cannot be controlled because there are now so many sources for glyphosate to enter the body.

More and more Europeans are getting sick and tired of scientists and Governments that are unable to look further than a test tube. Due to its increasing widespread use, glyphosate is slowly saturating European society with residual amounts because the people and the ecosystem are unable to dispose of it quickly enough.

Until European legislation is able to properly control glyphosate residuals that enter our bodies, reduce and try to eliminate this chemical altogether by buying non glyphosate foods produced by certified organic farmers - buy only from the farms and from the organic markets. Move away from the mainstream food chains unless you are happy to consume "acceptable" levels of residual glyphosate.

Read how you can reduce herbicicide residues by eating organic food.

  • There is no doubt that glyphosate will make you sick and possibly kill you with enough contamination

  • Do more research on the effects of glyphosate and inform yourself

  • It is easier to get sick than it is to get un-sick.
    Make your choice.

The full glyphosate test report, from the medical laboratory, can be downloaded here.

Comments for Europes Top 5 Glyphosate Herbicide Toxic Countries

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Whats Happening ?
by: Richard

Everything that is happening to us in our food supply has been planned that way by corrupt/treasonous Govt.. Who allows the poison to be used,who approves its use, who makes laws for its use, who enforces its use? Our leaders are not stupid,these are educated people, they know exactly what they are doing.Petitioning our Govt's. does not help. It is like trying to convince a robber why he shouldn't rob you or, trying to convince a rapist why he should not rape you in the mist of his frenzy. Our Govt.'s are the ones doing it to us. People all over the world are appealing to our Govt. to stop the use of qlyphosate, they only placate us.I'm not sure of other Govt.'s in the world but, this is absolute proof that the U.S.A. no longer has an representative form of Govt., "for the people, by the people", well,..... the people say, "no glyphoste"! "We do not consent"!

Let's stop being naive people.


Glyphosate is the safest herbicide that we have
by: Anonymous

The WHO-FAO joint commission of Pesticide residues assembled its experts who examined all the available evidence and concluded that exposure of up to 0.5 g/kg of body weight EVERY DAY was the safe limit. That is, if your weight is 70 kg, even if you drink even up to 7 tea spoons of pure glyphosate a day, you will still face NO HEALTH RISK.
Glyphosate is not toxic compared to gasoline, benzene, kerosene, the powder from tires moving along motorways, the Cd in your Nikel-Cadmdium batteries, high-tech electronic parts in computers, cell phones etc.

Glyphosate binds to Cd and other metal toxins and makes them less toxic to humans.

The main problem in the world is that we have a mono-culture of humans, which will soon reach a staggering population. To feed them, we need to double our crop production in a world where the agricultural landmass is decreasing, and becoming less useful due to global warming.
In stead of teaching farmers to become technological, ignorant people are moving in the opposite direction - Europe is behaving like a medieval obscurantist person.

Concerning European Commission Biocide Approval Processes
by: Neelu

It seems that some of the Moyoway readers saw this one coming some time back.
This whole thread is about dodgy practices within the EU Commission concerning pesticide / herbicide / fungicide approvals (biocides).

I came across this article a few days ago from the European Ombudsman -

Ombudsman tells Commission to report back on pesticides authorisation

Here is the article from the European Ombudsman website.
  • The European Ombudsman‘s inquiry into the approval[1] of pesticides by the European Commission highlights concerns with the Commission's practice (known as the confirmatory data procedure) of approving the safe use of an active substance before it gets all of the data necessary to support that decision.

  • The Ombudsman notes the Commission's general acceptance of her proposals, made in June 2015, on how to improve the approval process for substances contained in pesticides but has asked for a follow-up report from the Commission by 18 February 2018 in order to fully verify compliance.

  • Emily O'Reilly stated: "I note the Commission's intention to improve the process of approving and placing pesticides on the market, in particular by restricting the practice of approving a substance while simultaneously requesting data expected to confirm its safety, but before it receives the requested data.

  • "Given the important implications for the environment as well as for human and animal health, I have asked the Commission to report back in two years' time on how it has implemented my proposals."

  • The case was brought by Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN-Europe), a network of NGOs. PAN-Europe alleged that the Commission's way of approving substances for pesticides was, in some cases, unsafe and/or not in accordance with the relevant legislation.

  • The Ombudsman analysed the Commission's practice of approving substances while simultaneously requesting data confirming their safety. She also examined the Commission's approval of ten specific active substances despite reservations concerning the substances expressed by the European Food Safety Authority[2] (EFSA).

  • Following her analysis, and in light of the importance of health and environmental protection in the EU, the Ombudsman made several proposals to improve the Commission's pesticide approval system.

  • After examining the Commission's responses to her proposals, the Ombudsman considered the Commission to have taken a constructive approach to restricting the use of the confirmatory data procedure. The Ombudsman was also generally satisfied with the Commission's stated intention to conclude the assessments of ten substances that it had earlier approved despite the lack of adequate scientific information regarding their safety at the time of the approvals.

  • In closing her inquiry, the Ombudsman concluded that while the Commission has largely accepted her proposals, proper verification of compliance will be possible only when she receives a further report, in early 2018, from the Commission.

  • The Ombudsman expects that, in its 2018 report, the Commission will be able to demonstrate that the confirmatory data procedure is being used restrictively; show improved oversight of Member States' use of pesticides, and show that the remaining assessments of the ten substances highlighted by PAN-Europe have been completed. The European Ombudsman’s decision is available here.

  • [1] The Commission approves the active substances used in pesticides and the individual Member States authorise the use of pesticide products based on those active substances.

  • [2] The European Food Safety Authority provides advice to the Commission in the course of the approval process.

  • The Ombudsman investigates complaints about maladministration in the EU institutions, agencies and bodies. Any EU citizen, resident, or an enterprise or association in the EU, can lodge a complaint with the Ombudsman. The Ombudman's powers include the right to inspect EU documents, call officials to testify, and to open strategic inquiries on her own initiative. For more information:

  • For press inquiries: Ms Gundi Gadesmann, Head of Communication, tel.: +32 2 284 26 09, Twitter: @EUombudsman

Here is the link to the above article -

PS - On a final note, one does wonder what Commissioner Borg is doing now ... probably lobbying or working for one of the biocide companies.

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Nice Articles
by: Anonymous

Wow ... I had no idea.
Government is clearly being misled by industry funded science.

Roundup in Grains and Cereals
by: RG

More than 90% of our grains and cereals including rice (UK and abroad) are subject to a pre-harvest spraying of roundup herbicide - a new but insane practice started in 2003.

This has massively increased residue levels to 100 PPM and more, of this noxious substance in our bread and cereal. Research has clearly shown that roundup/glyphosate is responsible for cancers, endocrine disruption and cardiac arrythmia.

The american government which is in the pocket of the makers of glyphosate last year massively increased the permitted residue levels in farm produce anywhere from 2 times to 25 times depending on the food stuff.

Now they want to force this noxious waste and their gmo waste on europe by way of TTIP that is, if you are not already eating this garbage and you easily could be. Are you one of the million+ people who in the UK have atrial fibrillation? Bread or cereal is very possibly the cause.

We did ask Commissioner Borg
by: Jill


The question appears in one of the images which appears in a link below.
Chat Forum Image
Chat Forum Question
It felt like one of those ... big eyes caught in your headlights ... moment.

There was no answer.
To be fair, the chat topic was not about toxic chemicals in our food.
We hope to be lucky enough to have another chance in the future.
During the chat conversation, we did see that he will respond to every letter sent to him. We may have to do this. (Do people still write and post letters these days?)
"I will respond to every letter" Image

Happy and safe certified organic eating

Naked Organics

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